Oh, those Irish eyes are smiling!

The Shamrock cake was banana cake with buttercream icing. I baked a 9x13 inch cake and then cut out the shape of the shamrock using a paper stencil given to us in our class. A cool thing about this cake is that we added 3 borders:
- one around the bottom perimeter using tip 47
- one ruffle around the top (green and white) using tip 88
- one zigzag (dark green) on top inside the ruffle using tip 48
There were 2 main concepts we were trying to master with this lesson:
- cutting the cake into shapes (and icing it without an overabundance of crumbs!)
- "striping" the pastry bag so that the icing comes out two-toned.
The striping is evident in the wild Irish roses on top as well as the top ruffle border. One thing to be mindful of when adding the top ruffle border is to really secure it to the top of the cake. I piped mainly around the cake's edge and parts of my border ended up falling off (although I repaired it for the photo of course!).