I'm the belle of the ball!

The doll cake was a strawberry cake with a buttercream icing. As this is a fairly girly cake, strawberry (and therefore pink) cake seemed appropriate. So it's pretty on the inside as well....
To achieve the whole upside down triangle necessary our lady's skirt, the Wilton Wonder Mold pan was used. The doll actually comes in the Wonder Mold cake pan box. While the directions with the Wonder mold only instruct on how to make the doll cake, at my local cake decorating store (i.e. Gloria's), I found some instructions on how to use the Wonder Mold pan to make a sombrero, beehive, football, Christmas tree, etc. If you are not lucky enough to have a cake decorating supply store near you, I am sure you could find additional Wonder Mold cake instructions on the old internet.
The ruffles on the skirt are the real magic on this particular cake. The twist is that the ruffles are so easy to do: the tips (060 and 070) do the work for you! The bodice and upper part of the skirt were with a star tip. Drop flower accents were done with tip 224.