The cake journey begins with a simple sunflower

This was my first cake for the cake decorating class that I am taking. The class is 8 weeks long and is held at Gloria's Cake and Candy Supply shop in Culver City. Each week, the teacher presents us with a design and directions on technique...but she encourages creativity so we are allowed to venture off the path since after all, it's our cake, right? In this blog, I will differentiate which cakes were made for class so it is clear that while I decorated the cake, chose the colors, etc the overall design was provided to me by our instructor, Helen Rodriguez.
This cake was two 8 inch cakes layered with buttercream icing. Victor and I affectionately call these cakes "The Frisbees" or the "Discus Cakes". The cakes just didn't rise. I have no explanation. This was the first (and incidentally last so far) time I used cake flour rather than self rising flour in the cake. Was the cake flour past it's prime? Maybe. Or did I over beat the batter? Maybe. It's been known to happen. Regardless, this cake ended up being two flat hard-ish cakes with a lot of icing. But the focus is the decorating, right? I thought the sunflowers came out pretty good given it was my first cake decorating effort.