Wedding cake traditions and other folklore

There are so many traditions and superstitions associated to weddings. One of the more popular post wedding traditions is the saving of the top layer of cake for the first anniversary. Since we already had some leftover sliced cake the day after the wedding, I had no problem showing incredible restraint and not eating the top layer. I double wrapped the cake in heavy duty foil and then popped it in a Ziplock Freezer bag. To protect the icing, I popped some toothpicks in the top to tent the foil...the takeaway container the venue put the cake in was already away from the sides. We threw the cake in the freezer and jumped on a plane back to LA. That was November 2009. Fast forward to April 2010 when we are back in Philly to visit my parents. All I can think about is eating that cake: Would it still taste good? What if we are not back in Philly November 2010 and then wait too long to eat it? I hate wasting food....So, we decided to break it out and eat it with the promise that I will make a cake replica on our actual 1st anniverary. It was just as good as I remembered....if it had been in my freezer in LA, there is no way it would have lasted even until April!
What's with this 1st Anniversary tradition anyway? I did some research on the web and did not find too much information just a lot of personal experiences. Some folks said their cake tasted terrible after a year, others said the cake was fine. Guess it depends on your wrapping skills! The most important thing I discovered in my research? No where did it say that it was BAD luck to eat the cake before the 1st anniversary.