Sweets from The Sweets Truck

Last week, The Sweets Truck rolled into the area. Basically, they are a mobile bake shop selling the sweet wares of some independent bakers. They also serve up some fancy coffee drinks. I was a little weirded out on the coffee thing due to the mobile nature of their operation (where does the water come from? how do they clean the pot before making a fresh batch?). I am sure the truck has all of these little issues worked out but it just wasn't for me. However, I decided to get some things that Victor and I could enjoy for dessert that night. I got the S'mores Chocolate Ganache Cookie Sandwich (pictured above on the left) and a red velvet cupcake from Auntie Em's (pictured on the right).
- The chocolate chip cookie part of the cookie sandwich was average; the most memorable part of this treat was the rubberiness of the marshmallow...and I mean "memorable" as in I remember I wasn't impressed and probably would never buy another one of these cookie sandwiches. Maybe it was a bad choice of flavor on my part but at $3 a pop, I probably won't bother to try another flavor.
- The Auntie Em's cupcake on the other hand was super moist and delicious. I had read some positive reviews online about their cupcakes when they first opened (the yelp reviews are pretty mixed now) but it seems like every time we are in Eaglerock, the store is already closed (8 am - 7 pm M to F, 8 am to 4 pm on Saturday and Sunday). Although tasty, the presentation was a bit underwhelming. That may sound harsh, but if you are going to charge $3.50 for a cupcake, which is what some professional bakeries are charging these days, you need to compete visually on that level as well. If your goal is an authentic "homemade" look, then maybe alter the price down to $2.50 or $2. On Auntie Em's website, it appears they have small ($1.25), medium ($2.50) and large size ($3.50) cupcakes...The Sweets Truck only had one size which I paid $3.50 for so I am assuming the truck was carrying the large size.