Braised cabbage

My mom introduced me to this Braised Cabbage recipe back in January that she found on The Nourishing Gourmet (the above pics before and after cooking). She served it with some chicken made in white wine (I don't have that recipe yet). The cabbage, carrots and onions were so tender, slightly sweet and melted in your mouth. I bought a head of cabbage about a week ago in anticipation of making some corn beef and cabbage for St. Paddy's day....but alas, I could not find any corn beef! I saw some in the store the week before the 17th, but it was pretty expensive so I was waiting for it go on sale....seems that the sale must have come and gone without me knowing. No worries, there are a zillion things you can do with cabbage (one of my recent favorites being throwing it into a stir fry but I think Victor was getting tired of that).
I ended up serving this with some chicken and potatoes.
Braised Cabbage (adapted from The Nourishing Gourmet)
1 medium head of green cabbage
2 large carrots
1 large yellow onion
1/4 cup chicken stock
1/4 cup extra virgin olive oil
Sea salt and freshly ground pepper
Red pepper flakes
Spray a 9 x 13 inch baking pan with some non-stick spray (I use Trader Joe's Olive Oil spray).
After rinsing and taking off some of the outer leaves, cut the cabbage into 8 wedges and arrange them in the baking dish. Cut up the carrots into rounds and sprinkle around the cabbage wedges. Cut up the onion and sprinkle over the cabbage and carrots (how large you leave the onions is really up to you but since they are going to be slow cooked, they will have a nice sweetness, so I would slice them rather than dice). Drizzle the chicken stock and olive oil over all of the ingredients. Add salt, pepper and red pepper flakes to taste. Cover with foil and bake for 2 hours. After 2 hours, remove foil and let bake an additional 15 minutes to allow the veggies to brown a tiny bit.