The 2010 Holiday Collection

The above photo shows one of each of the cookies in the 2010 Rush-De Anda holiday package: (clockwise from top) Oatmeal Raisin with chopped walnuts, Almond Crescents, Ginger Shortbread, Chocolate Chip, Vanilla Sugar, Mexican Wedding Cookies.
Everyone says it, but it's so true: there is never enough time to get everything in that you want to do before the holidays. I got in some baking but not all of the types of cookies that I wanted to make. One cookie that didn't make this year's cut was Russian Tea Cookies. Another was the Kringlor which proved very popular last year. The Oatmeal Raisin and Chocolate Chip cookies are pretty much standards that must be included to keep the masses happy. New additions were the Ginger Shortbread and Mexican Wedding Cookies. I had intended to make the Mexican Wedding Cookies round which is their typical presentation, but the batter was too dry and crumbly. Rather than experiment with the wetness, I pressed the mixture into a jelly roll pan and cut them into squares while they were still warm. I considered referring to them as Pecan Shortbread cookies to avoid having to explain my dry batter saga but I think my friends and family are used to the liberties I tend to take by now.