Tilt your head back and finish the cup!

Victor and I went to the LA Beer Festival on the Sony Studios lot on April 10th. The sponsors of the event were Eat, Drink, Play LA .We had a such a great time last year sampling the beers and enjoying Hollywood U2 (best tribute band ever! you must check them out) that naturally we got tickets for this year's event.
The best beer we had at last year's event was Shock Top Belgium White which is actually an Anheuser-Busch product! In our area, we have been able to find Shock Top mainly at Whole Foods. There were a few mirco-brews that were pleasant and a few that were so bad we actually had to pour them out.
This year, the overall quality of the beer seemed to be better. We only poured out one imported hefeweizen that tasted soapy. Our hands down favorite was Napa Smith's Amber Ale but I have no idea where I can buy it. Their website currently does not have any information on where the beer can be purchased....why have a product and then not let people know where it can be found? I just emailed them for more info....so hopefully I can buy some soon!
This year's band was Petty Cash.....while they were fine musicians, they were no Hollywood U2. Hollywood U2 has personality...they dress like the U2, they call themselves Hollywood Bono and Hollywood Edge...and they have a sense of humor about themselves. The first picture above is Hollywood U2...look how much fun they are having! Petty Cash played music and played it well but just lacked some stage presence.